OUR AUCTION ROOM IS OPEN WITH REDUCED CAPACITY and our processes continue to evolve to remain compliant with current NSW Health guidelines and COVID safe practices, while still meeting all your vehicle purchase needs.
The health and safety of our customers and team members has always been and will continue to be our top priority, we are working to minimise person to person contact and we thank you in advance for your patience, if you have any questions about visiting please contact us.
HOW WE DO IT FROM HERE, In-line with Public Health Orders, non-critical retail is open to customer who can provide proof of full COVID vaccination
- COVID marshals will checking COVID-19 certificates and checking visitors in via the QR Code
- Mandatory Face Masks
- Safe One Site Browsing
- Onsite Purchasing
- Minimised Contact
If you prefer we will continue to offer the high standard of care you've come to expect CONTACTLESS via our live simulcast Dealer Auction.
The information surrounding the COVID business processes is changing rapidly and we are doing our best to remain agile so we can to meet the requirements of all our customers.
We will continue to follow the advice of Health Officials and implement alternate arrangements if and when necessary. We are here for you when you are ready and thank you for
supporting an Australian family-owned business. If you have any questions and concerns, please contact the Customer Care Team
who can assist you further.